We all love high end designer clothes like Prada, Gucci, Chanel, and many others. We pride ourselves on keeping our wardrobe up with the latest and greatest. On rare occasions, we even stumble upon a piece of clothing that blows us away with its quality and style. Even rarer, we find this piece of clothing at a great price.
At Cameo Cleaners, we are like that rare piece of clothing that you stumble upon and can’t believe its value. We are a high-end cleaner that is fairly priced compared to our competition. Granted, we aren’t just your average cleaner. We pride ourselves in the quality of our services. We take extra care to the point that we even remove the buttons on your shirts to ensure that they don’t get ruined throughout the cleaning process. This type of work usually costs a fortune but unlike other dry cleaners who offer high end cleaning, Cameo Cleaners offers high end cleaning with reasonable prices.
As you’ve learned with your wardrobe, you don’t always have to pay the highest price to get the highest quality. We offer every service at the very best price. Just come and give us a try. You won’t be disappointed, especially compared to how much you’ll be paying elsewhere.